Hot Toddy Season

I don’t know what the weather is like where you are but in Virginia November kicks off “hot toddy season”. I’m always on the lookout for a new recipe but usually end up with a mug of steaming hot water, a splash of bourbon, a little honey, a sliver of ginger and a squeeze of lemon. Or sometimes hot tea and bourbon hit the spot. This recipe from New York Times hangs on my refrigerator in anticipation for the season although I don’t think there’s ever a bad time to put on a pot of bourbon. Toddy’s are also great for medicinal purposes as the ingredients have been shown to have cough-suppressing properties and sipping anything warm will feel good on a sore throat and according to TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) hot water aids digestion, can promote relaxation and reduce stress levels, can help to soothe a sore throat or cough and helps hydrate and flush out toxins. Win/win! Happy sipping!


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