This blog should have probably been named “Books & Seeds” because they are my obsession and what you will hear about the most! Speaking of obsessions…who has read Camille T. Dungy’s new book “SOIL”? I cannot put it down…“The green of growing things calms me. Plants stabilize me,” Camille Dungy writes in Soil, this brilliant and beautiful memoir of her deepening relationship with the earth, a relationship, a deepening, that necessarily demands she consider questions of family, history, race, nation, and power. The deepening demands we witness what erodes or frays or severs the stabilizing roots between us. Whatever seduces us into believing we are not in fact connected. To each other, to the earth. The soil though, just like Soil, teaches us we are connected. And fundamentally so. Let us try to listen. Let us put our hands in.”
-Ross Gay


Forest to Table


The Good Dirt Podcast